Complaints Procedure


The intention of this procedure will always be to deal with complaints as swiftly and confidentially as possible.

Raising a complaint or concern

If you have a concern or complaint about our service, please speak to a member of staff who will try to help you if they cannot assist you will speak to someone else who can deal with your concern.

If you would find it easier to email your complaint the please address it to

We will always try to resolve your issue informally first.

What will happen of you raise a concern or complaint?

If we are unable to resolve your issue informally and you decide to make a formal complaint, then this will be acknowledged in writing within five working days.

We will fully investigate your complaint which may involve a discussion with you.

We aim to investigate and respond to all complaints as soon as reasonably practicable and aim to send you a written response within 28 working days. Although this may vary depending on the complexity of your complaint.

What if I am still not happy?

If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, then you should let the Chief Executive know in writing. Your complaint will then be reviewed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees or his delegated representative.

External Resolution

If you are dissatisfied with the Chairman’s response, then you can take your complaint to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

Please note that they can only examine your complaint once it has been investigated by us.

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